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GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


Introduction to the basic provisions of the GDPR Explanation of the importance of personal data for the importance it attaches to the EU. Important Terms: concepts in the protection of personal data in the context of the workplace The importance of the customer's consent to the processing of their personal data. When is it needed? When can processing take place without consent? What are the conditions? Rights of Citizens in relation to their Personal Data

The GDPR now allows citizens to have access to their personal data as well as the right to modify / delete it.

  • Information on what employees and company executives who manage personal data need to know about the proper management of this type of request from customers and/or other persons.
  • Penalties for breach of GDPR: Penalties and penalty criteria update/explanation)
  • Principle of Proportionality: Explanation of the principle of proportionality in relation to the management of personal data and the formation of correct procedures and practices within their company)
  • Transfers of Personal Data outside the EU (Explanation of procedures and practice with scenarios)
  • Key Documents: Explanation of key documents / records required by GDPR. Practical help and examples for completing them.

Technology and GDPR: Importance of technology in implementing GDPR. Explain basic IT concepts and applications. Good practices of electronic management of personal data and protection against leaks and impositions by external factors (external hacks). Practical applications in the workplace: Examining various scenarios so that the participants understand the practical application of the Regulation in the workplace and to be able to apply the theory of the previous modules in practice.


*The Program can be adapted to the needs of your company